This Wall
In 1997, I traveled to the Netherlands on tour with Blues guitarist Mason Ruffner. While there, we stayed in Maastricht and I got to see the original wall built to protect the city. Continue reading
Take My Hand
Sometimes, it helps to have a true friend. Continue reading
Ten Questions
I, like many others, have often wondered about the meaning of life. Here, I distill my thoughts into Ten Questions. Continue reading
Sacred Children Standing
To live in harmony with nature, one must first understand it. Continue reading
The Parting
Written for a good friend, after the loss of her mother. Continue reading
Pain Sells
A comment on the current state of television. Continue reading
The Lighthouse
Written for my father, to thank him for all he had done for me. Continue reading
Life is Like That
A teaching poem, using the words of my father to impart the lesson. Continue reading
Lord’s Prayer
My own translation from the original Aramaic of the prayer taught by Jesus. Continue reading
Parting Blessing
The blessing I most often use at the end of services. Continue reading